Need Help? or Can You Help? their own words
May 15, 2017
Bryanna, age 12
I would get off the bus each day and go directly to the computer room. Once my homework was done, I could play computer games.
April 09, 2017
I made this heart for you. Thank you very, very much. It was so warm and friendly here.
April 02, 2017
John and Billy
Our Mom brought us here. They've been so nice. Bunch of really great toys and real live ducks.
Upcoming Events
Average Age of a Homeless Person
1 in 30
American children
is homeless
Children Served
in 2022
Shelter Nights Provided
in 2022
Families Transitioned to Permanent Housing

Partner Congregations and Organizations
These are our Partners in caring. Visit them by clicking on their names, which are linked to their websites.
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